Massage Therapy

There are several types or modalities of massage therapy, all of which promote wellness. Some are designed forpain reliefand healing; others for increased flexibility or relaxation. If you are a first-time massage client, you may also want to read “What to expect during your massage session.”

Diane is trained in the following massage modalities:

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

This kind of massage therapy uses static pressure on specific points in the body to relieve pain. Read more

Deep Tissue Massage

During a deep tissue massage, your massage therapist either follows or works against the grains of muscles, tendons and fascia to releases chronic patterns of tension in the body.Read more


Lypossage is an anti-cellulite treatment that uses massage to smooth the appearance and texture of your skin.Read more


Jump-start yourweight loss programand reduce the appearance of cellulite with a LypoSlim botanical wrap.Read more

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Alymphatic drainagemassage uses gentle touch to stimulate the body’s lymphatic system, allowing it to naturally circulate fluids and boost the body’s immune system and metabolism.Read more

Post Surgical Lymphatic Drainage

Performed after surgery, post surgical lymphatic drainage may be used for any type of recovery process from surgey and aids in the healing process. Read more

Myofascial Release

A form of massage that uses stretches and long strokes to release tension in the the body’s fascia or connective tissue.Read more

Fertility or Conception Massage

The goal of fertility massage is to relieve tension and stress that, for some women, can interfere with conceiving a child.Read more

Pregnancy / Prenatal Massage

Like other forms of massage, prenatal massage is designed to relax tense muscles, ease pain, and improve circulation and mobility.Read more

Postpartum Massage

The goal of postpartum massage is to help mothers recover from the rigor of childbirth and the demands of caring for a newborn.Read more

Sports Massage

Sports massage uses strokes and touches that are familiar to other forms of massage. Unlike other forms of massage, however, it is designed to focus on the muscles used for a particular sport.Read more

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage incorporates long, gliding strokes, kneading of specific muscles, friction, tapping, and vibrations.Read more

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