Lymphatic Drainage Massage

A woman with curly hair and white shirt smiling.

Lymphatic drainage massage can ease the symptoms of allergies,menstrual cramps, sinusitis, colds and otherviruses. It also promotes healing of scar tissue and is often recommended as part of post-surgical recovery.

“By education, I am a nurse but my occupation is being a professional model. It was pertinent that I see someone specifically for lymphatic massage after a recent surgery affecting large areas of my body. Diane not only has extensive knowledge regarding lymphatic massage, but about human anatomy, it’s physiology, and it’s recovery process. It was clear from the start that she was very therapeutic, professional, and client focused. She started treating me a week after surgery and has greatly improved my swelling, tenderness, and mobility, while actually accelerating my healing. She listens to my needs and can determine what areas need more attention than others. It’s obvious she puts her heart in her work and truly enjoys helping other people. I would recommend Diane to anyone seeking a knowledgeable, caring, dedicated, holistic therapist. Personally, I cannot wait to start utilizing her other massage techniques after my body has healed.”
– Brandi R.

Your lymphatic system is key to your overall health. Among other things, it produces monocytes and lymphocytes, the cells that are a part of your immune system.

Lymph vessels, bundles of cells known as lymph nodes, and certain organs make up your lymphatic system, and lymph fluid runs through it. Lymphatic fluid serves two functions, both delivering nutrients to cells, and clearing metabolic waste and foreign objects from them.

When lymph fluid isn’t properly circulating through your system, your lymph nodes and surrounding tissue may become swollen, and your body becomes more susceptible to infection. During a lymphatic drainagemassage, I use gentle, rhythmic movements to improve circulation and release toxins that can accumulate in your lymphatic tissue. It’s really a holistic way to maintain or boost your overall health.

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